February 20, 2018 / by Andrew la Fleur /News, Videos
Click here to read the original article: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/real-estate/toronto/looking-for-the-best-return-in-the-condo-market-buy-old/article37872607/?utm_source=facebook.com&utm_medium=Referrer%3A+Social+Network+%2F+Media&utm_campaign=Shared+Web+Article+Links SHOULD YOU BUY AN OLD CONDO FOR INVESTMENT? This article is from The Globe and Mail and the headline is "Looking for the best return in the condo market? Buy old." Basically, it's talking about how they did a statistical analysis and the numbers were from Urbanation [...]
Should You Buy an Old Condo for Investment?
February 20, 2018 / by Andrew la Fleur / News, Videos
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