January 22, 2018 / by Andrew la Fleur /News, Videos
https://alafleur.wistia.com/medias/bgu04s6dj0 Click here to read the original article: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/rent-expensive-toronto-2018-1.4491949 TRANSCRIPT Speaker 1: Now, I do want you to look at this article here from the CBC. The headline is, "New year, same old expensive rent in Toronto. Why aren't we fixing this?" "New report says average rent for one bedroom in Toronto is now over [...]
January 22, 2018 / by Andrew la Fleur /News, Videos
https://alafleur.wistia.com/medias/pv2jannzah Click here to read the original article: http://torontostoreys.com/2018/01/toronto-make-amazons-short-list-of-hq2-contenders/ TRANSCRIPT SO you gotta check out this article here from Toronto Storeys, about Amazon HQ2. Of course Amazon is looking for a second headquarters in North America, and they just released a short list. They've whittled it down from 238 potential cities, down to just 20, [...]
January 15, 2018 / by Andrew la Fleur /News, Videos
https://alafleur.wistia.com/medias/sd9dot7ta8# Read the original article here: https://www.thestar.com/business/real_estate/2018/01/12/renters-pushed-to-the-905-as-vacancies-hit-16-year-low-report.html?platform=hootsuite TRANSCRIPT: Speaker 1: This next article's from the Toronto Star. It is headlined, "Renters pushed to the 905 as vacancies hit 16-year low." This is talking about the latest stats from Urbanation tracking the rental market. Always interesting to see what Urbanation has to say on the [...]
December 12, 2017 / by Andrew la Fleur /News, Videos
https://alafleur.wistia.com/medias/zp3i7uqw8w Click here to read the original article: http://news.buzzbuzzhome.com/2017/12/bank-mom-dad-demand-prices-canadas-market.html TRANSCRIPT: Greetings, Condo Investors. Thanks for checking out this video. This article is from BuzzBuzzHome and the headline is, "Is the Bank of Mom and Dad Driving up Demand and Prices in Canada's Housing Market?" So, it's talking about the fact that they did a survey [...]
December 12, 2017 / by Andrew la Fleur /News, Videos
https://alafleur.wistia.com/medias/280lpvrlx9 Read the original article here: http://news.buzzbuzzhome.com/2017/12/7-stats-show-torontos-november-surge-home-sales.html TRANSCRIPT: Hey there, condo investors. This article is from BuzzBuzzHome, and the headline is, 7 stats that show Toronto's November surge in home sales. So, breaking down some of the numbers from the month of November, we have the stats for the month of November. The big headline [...]
December 12, 2017 / by Andrew la Fleur /News, Videos
https://alafleur.wistia.com/medias/v68ke6g2cl Read the original article here: http://news.buzzbuzzhome.com/2017/11/dream-canadian-homeownership-danger-cmhc.html TRANSCRIPT: Speaker 1: This article is from BuzzBuzzHome and the headline is The Dream of Canadian Homeownership is in Danger according to CMHC. The homeownership rate is starting to come down across the country. From 2011 to 2016, the rate came down slightly. What's interesting is that most [...]
November 28, 2017 / by Andrew la Fleur /News, Videos
https://alafleur.wistia.com/medias/0nc44uoe28 Click here to read the original article: https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/photos/sorry-canada-home-rental-prices-slideshow-wp-154656367/ TRANSCRIPT: Here's an article from Yahoo Finance, and the headline is Sorry Canada, Your Home Rental Prices Aren't That Bad. So kind of a contrary headline there, we've been hearing a lot about how rental prices are so expensive in Toronto in particular, and certainly they've [...]
November 28, 2017 / by Andrew la Fleur /News, Videos
https://alafleur.wistia.com/medias/8y82lxsmp1 Click here to read the original article: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/globe-investor/personal-finance/household-finances/can-the-government-save-the-middle-class-wannabe-homeowner-in-toronto-and-vancouver/article37037091/ TRANSCRIPT: This article is from the Globe and Mail and the headline is, Can the Government Save the Middle-Class Wannabe Homeowner in Toronto and Vancouver? This is a recurring theme that we're seeing again and again, where the middle-class homeowner, as it's called here, is being [...]
November 28, 2017 / by Andrew la Fleur /News, Videos
https://alafleur.wistia.com/medias/qz7m3zhjo9 Click here to read the original article: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/expanded-national-housing-strategy-to-include-new-rent-subsidies/article37046894/ TRANSCRIPT Speaker 1: This next article I want to bring to your attention is from the Globe and Mail, and this is all about the Federal Government's new housing strategy, which came out in the last week. "Ottawa to offer direct subsidies to low income [...]
The 1 big difference between the Toronto and Vancouver condo markets for Investors
January 22, 2018 / by Andrew la Fleur / News, Videos
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The surprise reason why Toronto is already the big winner of the Amazon HQ2 Sweepstakes
January 22, 2018 / by Andrew la Fleur / News, Videos
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Is everyone moving to the 905?
January 15, 2018 / by Andrew la Fleur / News, Videos
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Can Justin Trudeau stop you from buying real estate?
December 12, 2017 / by Andrew la Fleur / News, Videos
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Prices down 2% in Toronto. Time to panic?
December 12, 2017 / by Andrew la Fleur / News, Videos
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Why you can’t afford a house in New York, Hong Kong…and Toronto?
December 12, 2017 / by Andrew la Fleur / News, Videos
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Toronto rental prices are soaring, but they are still cheap?
November 28, 2017 / by Andrew la Fleur / News, Videos
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The Middle Class Dream is fading away but that’s OK
November 28, 2017 / by Andrew la Fleur / News, Videos
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More rental inflation coming to Toronto… this time from Ottawa?
November 28, 2017 / by Andrew la Fleur / News, Videos
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