What’s the next hot market in the GTA? The answer might surprise you
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Speaker 1: What is the next up and coming area to invest in, in a GTA? Well, if you as Ben Meyers in this article here that he wrote in Buzz Buzz Home the answer is Hamilton. And Ben is not alone, more and more people are talking about Hamilton. The city’s getting a lot more buzz and momentum lately when it comes specifically to condo developments in the downtown core of Hamilton.
So, he makes an analogy in this article with the downtown east side of Toronto, how that was sort of the up and coming area about 10 years ago. And more recently in the past few years the city of Vaughn, and specifically around the new Vaughn subway station. And now, he’s saying more and more developers are looking at Hamilton as sort of the next area of the GTA that’s ripe for investment and condo development specifically.
So, this is an interesting trend that we’re certainly going to watch over 2018. Ben’s saying that 2018 this is sort of the year of Hamilton as it were. And I’m certainly in agreement with that so far, we’ll see how this year plays out, but there’s some very exciting things happening in Hamilton. You’ll be hearing more about that from me in these videos and my podcasts in the months to come. So, keep your eyes on Hamilton and don’t sleep on Hamilton if you’re looking for an up and coming area to invest in, then certainly consider Hamilton to be it for 2018.
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